Closes Friday 24th May at 5:00pm

This Expression of Interest document (EOI) should be filled in after reading the TURBINE Information Memorandum. This EOI is to gain some important preliminary information regarding your tenancy requirements. This will help TURBINE understand the scope of your requirements. This EOI is not an offer to lease by TURBINE nor by the applicant. Submission of an EOI does not reserve space in the Precinct for the applicant.

Please provide as much information as is currently available, estimates are fine at this stage of the application process.  You can complete this form below and email it or you can complete it online via this link.

TURBINE in its absolute discretion may chose to accept or reject any Expression of Interest lodged. Tenancy selection will be via a criteria-based process. Applicants will be subject to a financial and other due diligence and criteria-based selection processes.

Please provide as much information as currently available, estimates are fine at this stage of the application process. 
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Email *
Company Name *
Company ABN *
Company Address *
Nominated Contact Person *
Contact Email Address *
Contact Phone Number *
Company Website *
Business/Industry Sector *
What products do you produce/manufacture? *
What brands do you have? *
What is your business turnover? *
How many employees do you have? *
Why are you interested in leasing space at TURBINE? *
e.g. relocation or expansion into Qld
Describe your organisation’s approach to collaboration *
What is your organisation's purpose? *
What are your company values? *
Describe the benefits of your products *
Are you a FAN member? *
Describe any First Nations connections *
I acknowledge that financial due diligence will be required if this EOI is successful. *
Please answer each of the questions below.
How much manufacturing floor space do you require? *
Area in m2
Intended use of the Tenancy *
What activity do you plan to conduct within the tenancy?
Description of Key Processes *
Please describe the key processes and attach any preferred layouts and process details you can add at this time.
Food Safety Risks *

Please detail any allergens your proposed process may use or risks it may cause to the site in general, e.g. use of live cultures etc.

Facility Requirements *

Please detail any requirements you wish to make Turbine aware of e.g. room temperature control, ventilation and filtration levels, wall finishes and ceiling requirements, medium or high-risk processing requirements etc.

Staffing Levels *

Please detail the expected number of staff required to be on site. Both per shift and in total.

Office Space Requirements *

Please detail any planned requirements for dedicated enclosed office space (state the number of offices and number of people per office), and the number of desk spaces in the open plan area.

Warehousing Requirements

Please indicate the types of storage services likely to be required from TURBINE, in addition to your own internal tenancy storage

Key ingredients, packaging materials used, and finished products produced
List of allergens used
Ambient storage requirements – pallet spaces (average)
Chilled storage requirements – pallet spaces (average)
Frozen storage requirements – pallet spaces (average)
Dangerous goods storage requirements – volumes and container sizes
Dedicated bulk storage requirements – material type, container size, and stored quantity
Bonded storage requirements – pallet spaces (average)
Other storage requirements – please explain and specify
Electrical Supply *

Expected 3-phase requirements in Amps. Installed and operating loads.

Compressed Air *

Average consumption requirements m3 at 8 bar. 

Portable Water (Process Use) *

Average consumption rate in m3/hr.

Process Water (Dechlorinated) *

Average consumption rate in m3/hr.

Steam *

Average consumption rate in kg/hr and supply pressure.

Refrigeration *

Process refrigeration demand in kW of refrigeration load, supplied via chilled glycol circuit.

Waste Generation *

  1. Details of planned liquid waste discharges to pre-treatment plant, flowrate in m3/hr and quality (COD and TSS).
  2. Solid waste generation, landfill daily volumes, plastic and cardboard recycling daily volumes.
  3. Any other waste streams to be noted, e.g. hazardous materials, glass etc.

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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