School Counseling Needs Assessment
Hello parents! This is a brief survey about our school’s school counseling program. We want your voice and input to make sure I am providing the best services I can to your children. Please take some time and complete this for me so that I can make sure I’m programming as best I can to meet the needs of our kiddos. Let me know if you have any questions/comments/concerns! Best, Your School Counselor
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What grade is your child in? (Select all that apply if you have more than one child at our school) *
How needed/important are the following school counseling services? *
NOT Needed/Important
SOMEWHAT Needed/Important
VERY Needed/Important
Classroom lessons teaching social emotional skills
Classroom lessons on study skills
Classroom lessons on college and career information and readiness
Small group counseling
Short-term individual counseling
Meeting with parents one-on-one to provide support and information on attendance, behavior, and social emotional issues
Providing parent education workshops
Connecting parents to community resources
Schoolwide programming (Kindness Week, College Week, etc.)
Transition services (elementary to middle school)
Creation and coordination of behavior plans and interventions
PD on social emotional or behavioral issues
I understand the role of the school counselor. *
Not at All
Which topics do you think our students need to receive school counseling classroom lessons on? (select up to 5)
More Thoughts
The following questions are not required – please just fill any out that might help the counseling department to serve you and our students better!
How can our counseling department support you or your child?
A question I have about school counseling at our school:
An idea or hope that I have for the school counseling program at our school:
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