Researching Romantic Stories - Shelf Love guest open call

Open call for guests who would like to share their research on popular romance fiction, or on a related topic that would be of interest to romance novel readers and scholars.


  • Social science explorations of romance readers, or cross-genre reading (including romance)

  • Examinations of romance novels across cultures (especially outside the US)

  • How romance novels have changed over time

  • Cross-disciplinary approaches

  • Business of romance novels: emerging business models, formats, and reader trends


Typical recording is 60-75 minutes long; 50-60-minute final edited episode.

Who this is for:

This call is open to scholars and nerds of all kinds - no formal qualifications required. But, please note this is not a call for authors of fiction to discuss their own work.

I encourage you to listen to a few episodes of Shelf Love if you haven't already. Here are a few episodes that were a result of this open call:

Here are a few episodes that were not a result of the open call but are good examples of what this open call is looking for:

Shelf Love podcast interviews are conducted remotely via Skype.

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Email *
Name *
Short bio (1-3 sentences with context for your experience) *
Topic Proposal Abstract: Please define the topic you'd like to discuss and the hook for your research. What is intriguing about this topic? What is the scope of what you could share in a podcast-length conversation? *
Please list 3 interesting facts or takeaways you could share with Shelf Love listeners. *
Links to any available research/publications you've done that can provide context for this proposed topic and your ability to speak on it. *
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