2019 YEP-DC Mentorship Program: Mentor Solicitation Form
YEP-DC is excited to our 2019 formal 6 month mentorship program! The goal of our program is to help early-career young education professionals in the DC area achieve greater clarity in career path and develop skills to help them move to the next level in their workplace through a supportive program.

We are seeking mid- and high-level career professionals to be matched with early-career young education professionals in the same field. We will use this form to match your area of expertise with the area of skills mentees seek to develop.

We expect that mentors will provide professional short and long-horizon guidance, professional skill development aligned with mentees' ambitions, model leadership, and assist mentees in developing their professional network. In addition to meeting with their mentors once a month, mentees and mentors will also attend 3 meet up events.

The deadline is April 27, 2019.

The program is expected to start in June 2019.

You can read more about the program and mentor expectations here: http://www.youngedprofessionals.org/yep-dc-our-partners.html.
Basic Information
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Professional Information
Field of Work *
Place of Work *
Job Title *
Job Description *
Job Description *
Please provide 2-3 sentences describing the broad strokes of your role.
Mentorship Questions
Why are you seeking to become a mentor?
What would an ideal mentorship program provide?
In your opinion, who would make an ideal mentee?
Professional Expertise
In which of the following general topics do you feel most comfortable mentoring someone? *
Please check the boxes that indicate the topics you feel you could mentor someone in. You may check multiple boxes.
Building Relationships *
Please check the boxes that indicate the specific areas you feel you could mentor someone in. You may check multiple boxes.
Technical Skills *
Please check the boxes that indicate the specific areas you feel you could mentor someone in. You may check multiple boxes.
Navigating the Education Sector *
Please check the boxes that indicate the specific areas you feel you could mentor someone in. You may check multiple boxes.
Additional Information
Please include any other information about yourself that you think would be helpful for us to know in our matching process.
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