Hi there! Thanks for helping us keep deaflds.org updated. We're working with the
church's Sign Language Board of Education to learn more about where Latter-day Saint Deaf and hard-of-hearing (D/HH) sign language users meet, worship, and serve.
This form has 6 sections:
- Name, times, location
- D/HH member sign language (SL) support
- Sign language (SL) temple services
- Sign language (SL) missionaries
- History
- Websites, social media, streaming
You can click 'Back' or 'Next' to go to any section and enter any information about anything you know. Or you can also email
info@deaflds.org with information, pictures, or whatever. There's also a 'Quick Update' question below if you don't want to search for a question.
Thanks for helping us learn more about you.