Purna Yoga Helsinki - Yoga Teacher Training September 2025
Thank you for showing an interest in our September 2025 200hr Yoga Teacher Training. Please complete this application form so that we can get to know you a bit better as well as make sure we are the correct fit. We want to ensure we meet all your needs and make this a incredible experience for you. 
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Email *
Phone number *
First Name *
Last Name *
Where are you located? *
How long have you been practicing Yoga? *
How did you hear about the training *
What enticed you to begin practicing yoga? *
In what way have you benefited from the practice of Yoga?
Why have you decided to do this training? *
Do you want to become a Yoga Teacher or simply deepen your practice & knowledge? *
Explain the above *
What are your expectations/needs of this training? *
Do you have any health issues we should know of?  *
If your application is successful, we would like to have a chat with you to learn more about your goals and to also discuss the course in more detail. Please provide some availability in the coming week for a quick 30-min call *
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