Undergraduate Field Experiences Research Network (UFERN) Interest Form for 2022 Organizing Committee Meeting
Please answer this short survey (6 questions) to help us form an organizing committee for the UFERN Network.  Our main goal is to find folks who want to roll up their sleeves and get involved with enthusiasm and ideas, but just in case 100 people sign up at once (which seems very unlikely)....we will use this information to ensure that we are forming an organizing committee with diverse perspectives.
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First and Last Name *
Professional Title *
Email Address *
Institution and Department *
Do you identify as... (Check all that apply)
Institution type (Check all that apply)
UFERN Involvement
New interest and seasoned UFERN participants are encouraged to be on the committee! If you have engaged with UFERN, please tell us how.
What has your involvement been with UFERN thus far? Please check all that apply.
Please let us know if you have any questions in this space or email Kelly Hoke (kelly.hoke@oregonstate.edu) or Kari O'Connell (kari.oconnell@oregonstate.edu)
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