I2DL SS22 - Introduction to Deep Learning (IN2346) - Registration for External Students
Dear students,

this form is intended for students with TUM-affiliation (e.g., LMU students, TUM students, PhD students from TUM/LMU) who cannot register for courses, etc, who want to participate in our lecture but can not sign up through the TUM course registration system. By filling this form, you will be able to participate in Moodle, as well as the exercises and submit models to our submission portal.

First, please make sure you actually can't register to our submission system with your matriculation number here: http://i2dl.dvl.in.tum.de. If you are able to register, you do not need to fill this form. If you can't register, fill this form, and we will contact you (manually) with more info.

Note: Registration for the exam is done separately. If you want to participate in the exam as an external student with TUM-affiliation and get a certificate, you can do so, and we will announce the procedure towards the end of the semester.

Also note that, unfortunately, we cannot enroll students from other universities than TUM/LMU. In this case, please follow the link (https://dvl.in.tum.de/teaching/i2dl-ss22) to our course website, where you can find all lecture and exercise materials and videos.

Best regards,
Your I2DL-Team
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University E-Mail-Address (TUM/LMU email) *
First Name *
Last Name *
Degree Program *
TUM Token (if applicable)
Matriculation Number (if you have one)
Access to Moodle
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Access to Submission System (if you were able to register for the course via TUM Online you should be able to add yourself to the submission system)
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