⭐ Restock Request⭐
Hello everyone! This is the  official new restock request form.

Please submit your requests for restocks here!

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ Restock Request Rules ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

⭐ Please only request items YOU want specifically.

⭐ There is not a competition between items. Any items will high enough demand can be restocked.

⭐ Some items may require pre-orders to get them restocked, if an item is placed up for preorder and the funding is not met, the item will not be restocked.

⭐ Lastly, please understand that I can only restock things with high enough demand. Please be respectful of this fact. That's all I ask. 🙏

⭐If you have any questions about this, Please DM me on instagram. ⭐

Thank you very much!
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⭐  Pin Restock Request ⭐
Please List all of the pins you'd like restocked!
⭐  Sticker Restock Request ⭐
Please List all of the stickers you'd like restocked!
⭐  Button Restock Request ⭐
Please List all of the buttons you'd like restocked!
⭐ Acrylic Goods Restock Request ⭐
Please List all of the acrylic goods you'd like restocked! This includes: Keychains, Standees, Acrylic pins and candy bags.
⭐ Print Restock Request ⭐
Please List all of the prints you'd like restocked! 
⭐ MISC Restock Request ⭐
Please List anything that doesnt fit into the rest of the categories that you'd like restocked! 
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