Helping Healers Get Paid
Hello fellow Healer, 

Thank you for you willing participation in this market research. 
I am looking to create helpful, impactful, and transformational content that serves you most. 

Please fill out the following questions as thoroughly as possible. 
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What are your current challenges when it comes to getting paid and making a living as a healer/with your gifts?

What are your current frustrations when it comes to getting paid and making a living as a healer/with your gifts?
What are your current fears when it comes to getting paid and making a living as a healer/with your gifts?

What would you like to learn about these challenges, frustrations, and fears you have around getting paid and making a living as a healer/with your gifts?

If you found a YouTube channel, book, or course to help you overcome these challenges, frustrations and fears, what would you hope to learn?

If you found a YouTube channel, book, or course to help you overcome these challenges, frustrations, and fears, how would you be best supported? (What do you think would be the most supportive format for you?)

Tell me about a day (or week) in your dream life? If time, money, or resources were no issue, what would your life be like?

Do you have any suggestions for a YouTube channel, book, or course to make it the best resource suited to help people with get paid and make a living as a healer/with their gifts?

Do you have any questions, comments, or concerns?

Thank you for you participation in this questionnaire. Please select YES if you would like to do a 15 min interview about your answers, insights, and suggestions. 
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