Application – Cultivating Culturally Responsive Practices: A Book Study for Liberated Learning
Black Teacher Project (BTP) is thrilled to bring in-person Black teacher professional development back to our home base in Oakland, CA! This spring, join Cultivating Culturally Responsive Practices: A Book Study for Liberated Learninga six-session, Black affinity-based text study of Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain by Zaretta Hammond and powerful shared learning journey with peers from across the city.

Embracing the renewal, growth, and transformative energy of spring, we’ll gather in person throughout the season to study the book and explore culturally responsive approaches that align identity, mindset, and learning with liberation, while reflecting deeply on your practice as a Black teacher. Together, we will hold each other in an intentional, bold, and mindful space to:
  1. Collectively read Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain by Zaretta Hammond.
  2. Interrogate how routines, practices, and interactions may foster unintentional experiences and outcomes for students.
  3. Engage in classroom inquiry tailored to your students to inform what culturally responsive approaches best fit their unique needs.
  4. Explore and embody intentional culturally responsive teaching practices and approaches that leverage identity and mindset to support impactful learning. 
  5. Discuss actionable ways to create the conditions for belonging, empowerment, agency and liberation for your students.
  6. Share and reflect on your learning journey with peers, adding your discoveries to the collective learning experience.
BTP will provide books to those who are in need of one. Participants are also eligible to receive a stipend of up to $480 to support their book study experience!

Session 1: Tuesday, February 25 – Building Our Community
Session 2: Tuesday, March 4 – What’s Culture Got to Do With It?
Session 3: Tuesday, March 11 – Learning Partnerships Bridge
Session 4: Tuesday, March 18 – Culture and the Brain
Session 5: Tuesday, March 25 – Your CRT Practice
Between Sessions 5-6, March 26-April 28 – Practical Application & Presentation Prep (optional office hours)
Session 6: Tuesday, April 29 – Sharing Your Story

Location: ShotClockStudios,  95 Linden Street, Suite 1, Oakland, CA 94607. Free parking is available. 17 minute walk from West Oakland BART.

Time: 5:00–7:00pm PT

  1. Must be a full or part-time Black TK-12 classroom teacher.
  2. Must teach at a school located in Oakland, CA (private, district, charter, or independent).
  3. Be able to attend all of the sessions for the full time.
  4. Have capacity to complete reading and assignments.
  1. This will be an in-person Black teacher cohort experience with up to 30 participants.
  2. Participants are expected to complete reading all assigned chapters before each session (BTP will provide books to those who need it at the first session).
  3. In the month between sessions 5-6, with facilitator guidance, participants will implement a culturally responsive teaching practice with their students and document the outcomes.
  4. Participants will present how they implemented a NEW culturally responsive teaching practice into their work with students at the last session.
  5. Participants will be compensated with a stipend of $480 for their full participation in this offering.
  • Application Opens: Wednesday, January 15, 2025
  • Applications Due: Thursday, February 20, 2025 (extended from original 2/4 deadline!)
  • BTP will Send Applicant Decisions: Friday, February 21, 2025 
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