Song Suggestions for Smule Applications
We've created this form so you can request songs you want to play in the Smule applications: Sing! Karaoke, Magic Piano, Ocarina 2, Magic Guitar and a few others!

Please let us know which application you are requesting a song for, the name of the song, and if possible, the artist. Also, there are always many versions of the same song, so if you provide a link to the version of the song you are interested in, we are much more likely to create what you want you want. Thanks for your input!

Note: This is a song suggestion list, we will try our best to acquire licensing for the songs and then produce the songs for the app. We can't guarantee that any of these songs will be made available, but we will do our best to try!
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Which Smule APPLICATION would you like to request a song in? *
(Choose the app you are here to request a song for and then in the next question tell us the name of the song)
What is the NAME of the song would you like to request? *
(let us know the name of the song you want to request)
What is the name of the ARTIST who performs this song?
(If you don't know the artist's name just leave this blank)
If possible, please provide a LINK to the version of the song you are requesting.
(If you can find a Youtube video, or Soundcloud, or other online example of the song you are requesting, that may help us figure out the exact version you want to see in the apps)
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