Job Shadow Student Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in participating in job shadow opportunities. These experiences are intended for students completing their Junior year Career and Technical Education Programs and will be coordinated through your ElevateEdAZ College and Career Coach. Please answer the following questions to secure your interest. Your responses will help us coordinate the best experience tailored to your needs. Please be aware we cannot guarantee you will be matched to a job shadow experience but will do our best to secure high-quality opportunities for as many students as possible.
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First Name: *
Last Name: *
Student email address: *
CTE Program: *
CTE Teacher: *
School Name: *
Current Grade: *
Do you have reliable transportation to your school during off campus learning days (E.g., iDays for PXU students) or school breaks? *
Do you need help with transportation to your school campus during off campus learning days or school breaks? *
Select your preferences for job shadow scheduling.  (Note that the majority of experiences will occur with a group during the school day and during the school year): *
Thank you
Thank you for your submission. Your campus ElevateEdAZ College and Career Coach or CTE Teacher will contact you as opportunities become available. Please contact us if you have additional questions.  
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