Get2 Test User Satisfaction Survey
We would like to ask for your feedback and comments on the Get2 test. Please complete the form below to let us know about your user experience of the Get2 Test and website.
Survey results are used to improve the Get2 Test web resource.
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Can you provide an example of your own enterprising actions?
e.g. a project or a business venture.
How enterprising do you think you are? *
This is a general reflection on yourself - your tendency to start and manage projects
Very enterprising
Not very enterprising
If you took the Get2 Test, what result did you receive for enterprising tendency?
Taking the Get2 Test provides a detailed enterprise profile, summarised in your enterprising tendency score.
Very enterprising
Not very enterprising
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Do you think your experience of using the Get2 Test and website will benefit you now or in future? *
Was the time you spent on the Get2 Test website useful to you?
How did you first hear about the Get2 Test and website? *
e.g. web search, reference, a higher educational institution course
How could the Get2 Test and website be improved?
What could be done to enhance the Get2 Test website?
About you
are you ..
Age <20
21 - 30
31 - 50
> 51
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What is your employment status?
Describe your current employment state.
Clear selection
Which sector do you work, or wish to work, in?
e.g. retail, health, education, finance etc.
Which country and region do you live in?
Where do you live geographically?
Optional contact point for yourself (we will not share your details)
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