Berkeley Folk Dancers Membership Form

This form is for both renewing and new members.  Our new year begins on Sept 1. After that date if you are not a paid member the charge is $5 per session of dancing.  Your new membership will run for one year starting on that date.  

For information about class schedules and locations go to 
For help with online process contact 

Items marked with an * require a response.
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Email *
First Name Person1 *
Last Name Person 1 *
Address  *
Street Address, City, Zip
Phone number of Person 1 *
Email Person 2 (if applicable)
Valid email for person 2
First Name Person 2 (if applicable)
Last Name Person 2 (if applicable)
Phone number of Person 2
What level(s) will you be dancing? (check all that are applicable.)
Is it OK if we print your name in our roster or our bulletin? (We do not share  our list with outside organizations.) *
Are you a new or rejoining member? *
If you were not a member last year, i.e., after Jan 1,2021, you are considered to be a "new" member, even though you may have been a member in the past.
If you were a member last year you are considered to be a "rejoining" member.
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