How Well Do You Know Depression Quiz
How well do you know Depression?
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You have a friend, John, who is a dope rugby player. He is actually among the best in your region. One day, you hang out together and you notice that he seems a bit off. As you talk, you suspect he has depression but are not sure. You go ahead to ask him some questions while observing him. The following are signs that can confirm your suspicions. Which one is not? *
10 points
                                                                        MOTHER AND CHILD
Your neighbour, Kelly, has just given birth to a bouncing baby. At first, she was happy about the baby but two months latter, you see her extremely sad, fatigued, anxious. At times she feels irritated and ends up crying unexpectedly. She has been having a hard time looking after her child as well as the rest of the family. She goes to a psychologist and she is told she is suffering from depression. What type of depression may she be suffering from? *
10 points
Which one of the follwoing is not a cause of depression? *
10 points
Your colleague, Keith, approaches you during a lunch break and opens up how he has been facing stress and has been feeling depressed of late. He tells you he is feeling tired and has lost interest in his dream job. He comes to you for help. Which of the following is the correct advise you would give to your colleague. (Choose the correct answers) *
10 points
How long should symptoms last for one to be diagnosed with depression. ? *
10 points
The following are some of the ways to identify that you may be suffering from depression at the work place. Which one is not *
10 points
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