Resources and Future APIC Event Ideas during Quarantine
APIC will be using this form to collect resources for working from home as well as ideas for future APIC events/initiatives you would like to see. Please clarify if you would like to take on an initiative and/or would like logistical support from IDE staff or the APIC leadership team. If you have anything to add or request, we welcome suggestions! Obviously, no need to fill out every field.

If you would like to share a resource that is not linked online, please email it to
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Ideas for future APIC events/initiative (and what kind of support is needed)
Resources for working remotely (strategies, organization tools, etc.)
Interesting articles
Non work-related resources (entertainment, hobbies, recipes, etc.)
What songs would you add to a WFH playlist?
Book/podcast/app recommendations?
Is there anything you're looking for that you haven't been able to find yet? Suggestions for virtual programming?
Name and email (optional - for follow-up or attribution)
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