Personal Evaluation
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Evaluate your need for recovery
The more Yes answers you have, the greater your need for recovery. Honesty is critical as no one will see your answers but you.
Spiritual Checkup
This is a habit or relationship that disturbs my inner peace.
1 point
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This is a habit or relationship makes me feel distant from God.
1 point
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This habit or person robs me of time alone with God.
1 point
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This is a habit or person causes me to avoid fellowship with Christian people.
1 point
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This is a habit or person causes me to compromise my values.
1 point
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I am ashamed of this habit or relationship and sometimes lie about it.
1 point
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This habit or relationship takes time or money that should be given to God, my family and/or others.  
1 point
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Sometimes I feel so trapped by this habit or person that I think about taking my life.
1 point
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Physical Checkup
This habit or relationship damages my health.
1 point
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My energy level is lower because of involving myself in this habit or relationship.
1 point
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If I attempt to stop this habit or relationship, I experience withdrawal symptoms.
1 point
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This habit or relationship disturbs my normal sleeping habits.
1 point
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As a result of this habit or relationship, I do not eat properly.
1 point
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This habit or relationship has caused me to go to the doctor for help.
1 point
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I use this habit to feel good or to get high.
1 point
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Relatives of mine have had problems with addictions.
1 point
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Mental Checkup
This habit or person leaves me confused and unable to think clearly.
1 point
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This habit or person causes me to do things that make no sense.
1 point
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This habit or relationship makes me feel that my life is out of control.
1 point
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This habit or relationship affects my ability to follow through on things I need to do.
1 point
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Thinking about this habit or relationship leaves me mentally exhausted.
1 point
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I have thought about seeing a mental health professional about this habit or relationship.
1 point
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This habit or relationship occupies my thoughts much of the time.
1 point
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This habit or person leaves me confused and unsure about how to do life without it (or them.)
1 point
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Emotional Checkup
This habit or relationship causes me to feel lonely and isolated.
1 point
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I involve myself in this habit or relationship as an escape.
1 point
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I use this habit or relationship as a way to handle stress.
1 point
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When someone suggests that I need help to control this habit or limit this relationship, I get angry.
1 point
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This habit or person causes me to do things I later regret.
1 point
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I use this habit or person to increase my self-confidence.
1 point
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I become uncomfortable if this habit or person becomes unavailable.
1 point
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It takes more of this habit or person to feel good than it once did.
1 point
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Social Checkup
My social circle has gotten smaller since involving myself with this habit or person.
1 point
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This habit or person causes me to become irresponsible.
1 point
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Because of this habit or person, I feel like a misfit.
1 point
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This habit or person causes me to be inconsiderate of others.
1 point
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This habit or relationship leaves me uncertain about what is normal.
1 point
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This habit or person has caused arguments and broken friendships with people that I respect and love.
1 point
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My fear of rejection determines what I say and do.
1 point
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This habit or person makes it difficult to get along with others.
1 point
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The more yes answers, the greater your need for recovery. Honesty is critical as no one will see your answers but you. Contact us to get started on your road to recovery 
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