Regio Earth Timisoara 2023 - Participation form

Regio Earth is an itinerary summer school where participants can learn about earthen architecture,design and art.

This summer school moves every year and connects the earth lovers and specialists from Central and Eastern Europe. Our focus is the earthen common heritage of each region and finding contemporary ways to integrate it in the present socio-cultural dynamics.

The main objectives of this edition are learning creative techniques of working with earth from international specialists while discovering local traditions.

The summer school will take place in Timisoara, Romania, in 22-26 August, followed by 1 day of a guided tour in the city, which is this year the European Capital of Culture.

Find out more about this edition here:
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Email *
Name and surname *
Age *
Where are you coming from? *
What is your profession? *
Do you have any previous experience / formation in this field?
If yes, please give us some details.
Would you like to learn anything in particular in this Summer School? 
Do you want to participate in the period: *
Besides the Regio Earth workshops (22-26 August), would you like to be evaluated for certification Level 2 - Module M, on 26/27 August? Certification cost is 60 euros. *
Do you need a camping spot? (basic conditions, free of charge) *
Would you like to eat at the summer school location as well? Cooked food will be available, with fresh and local ingredients, for 15 euros / day. *
How would you like to pay the participation fee of 400 euro? *
Do you have any culinary preferences / any allergies? *
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