amidst fathers brothers husbands and uncle-jis
Hello Action Heroes and BN Guys
Please answer one or any of the questions you can relate to.  
Your responses will be shared on the BN GUYS blog by March 2011.
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do you discuss 'eve-teasing' at home? if yes, what have the conversations with the men in your family been like?
if your answer to the q above is no, could you please share your thoughts on why it isn't discussed at home? what stops you from sharing? talking? what stopped dad, brother, husband, uncle from talking about it?
Do you ever wonder how dad, brother , husband/ partner, are perceived by female strangers?
Do you know guys who do things for 'fun' that others could interpret as 'eve-teasing'/ street sexual harassment?
passing comments/ throwing egg and tomatoes/  rating women passing by/  making jokes at/ please add
Have any of the men in your life ever gotten involved in helping an unknown person who is experiencing 'eve-teasing' / street sexual violence? if yes, please describe the incident.
strangers, spectators
Has (dad or brother or male friend or uncle or husband or partner or boyfriend ) ever gotten involved when you experienced harassment? please desrcibe the incident.
Do you sometimes feel that your close guy friends or family have crossed their boundary? did you ignore it? bring it up
a joke? a touch? eye contact
How can the guys/ boys/ men in your life get involved in addressing the issue? *
Your name. age. sex. location *
(if you wish to be anon- please give yourself a new name for this form- thank you)
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