ARC Tour Request Form
Thanks for your interest in a tour of the Albert Robles Center!
We suggest a two-hour tour taking place from 9am-11am, 10am-12pm, 1pm-3pm, or 2pm-4pm.
The tour will visit all three components of the site: the treatment facility, the learning center, and the demonstration gardens.

Please fill out the form below to give us some details about your group.

WRD Albert Robles Center for Water Recycling & Environmental Learning
4320 San Gabriel River Parkway, Pico Rivera, CA 90660

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Contact: First Name *
Contact: Last Name *
Contact: Phone Number *
Contact: Email *
Organization Name *
Which best describes your organization? *
Around how many people will be in your tour group?
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What focus area does your group have, if any? *
The Albert Robles Center includes an advanced water purification facility, a learning center, and a demonstration gardens. Please select the area/s that is of most interest to your group.
Are you requesting an operator or engineer to join the tour? *
All tours will include a tour of the advanced water purification facility, however, please select the level of technical support you'd like for the tour. 
Do you have a set date or flexible dates? *
Please state your preferred date or date range for the tour.
WRD tries to schedule tours from Tues - Thurs, but can accommodate Mon and Fri tours if necessary.
Please state your preferred time/s of day for the tour. *
Are there any other questions or comments that you have?
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