Meet the Impact100 Global Founder and Learn about our Community Issues at this Exclusive Event

We invite you to bring not just one, but several friends to an extraordinary event designed to immerse you in the world of Impact100 East Bay.

Wendy Steele, Global founder of Impact100, will be attending in person. She’ll share insights into her future vision and the impact our women’s collective giving organization has at the global level.

We’ll also showcase local projects undertaken by past grant applicants who have addressed pressing community needs. Join us for an immersive experience that simulates our rigorous grant selection process and discussions with like-minded philanthropic women.

  • When: Tuesday, February 4th (RSVP by February 1st)
  • Time: 5:30 – 7:30 PM (hors d'oeuvres and wine/beverages)
  • Where: Katie Nittler’s Home in Diablo, CA (address to be provided upon registration)
  • Please note that the event has a limited capacity of 40 attendees, and RSVPs will be honored on a first-come, first-served basis.
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