Registration Form Virtual Network Meeting fall 2020
Virtual NETLIPSE Network Meeting, 10th of November 2020, 13:00 - 16:00
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Target Group for the NETLIPSE Network Meetings
Please let me remind you that NETLIPSE is the NETwork for the dissemination of knowledge on the management and organisation of Large Infrastructure ProjectS in Europe. In that way, the target group for the NETLIPSE Network Meetings is only all public and academic professionals with a proven track record in the delivery or study of Large Infrastructure Projects.

If you have any questions regarding NETLIPSE, our publications or events, please feel free to contact us by mailing to
Your information
Please fill in all data fields and press 'Submit'.
First name *
Last name *
Gender *
Position *
Organisation *
Country *
Telephone number (including country code)
Email *
Are you willing to contribute to the online Network Meeting with a (project) presentation, dilemma and/or workshop? *
If yes, please shorty describe your proposed topic.
I give NETLIPSE permission to include my information in the NETLIPSE mailinglist *
NETLIPSE will keep you up-to-date about all NETLIPSE events, news and activities.
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