Custom-Sized Ring Spec Sheet
Fill Out the form below to get started on your custom-sized ring and we'll send you a price quote via email.
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Email *
First and Last Name
Each Ring has 4 dimensions:  Outside Diameter, Inside Diameter, Width, and Thickness.  Choose the dimensions you would like and we'll price the ring accordingly for you.  

The outside and inside diameters will depend on the thickness you select.  If you only require an exact inside diameter, you can skip submitting an outside diameter and vice versa.
Ring Material *
Captionless Image
Outside Diameter Length (Inches)
*if you only need an inside diameter, you can skip this section
Captionless Image
Inside Diameter Length (Inches)
*if you only need an outside diameter, you can skip this section
Captionless Image
Ring Width *
Captionless Image
Ring Thickness *
Captionless Image
Additional Specs/Paint/Finishes
Order Quantity *
Delivery Zip Code *
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