lets thrive together
“ Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is a success.” – Henry Ford
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Young hungry individuals changing lives one at a time 🤞🏽🖤
name *
instagram handle *
location *
are you 18+ ? *
Are you willing to do things you’ve never done to receive results you’ve never had ? *
do you have a good work ethic ? *
do you like getting along with other people ? *
which of these qualities do you feel like you possess ? *
what things are you looking to acquire in life ? *
what are some of your personal long-term goals ? *
i appreciate you for filling out this form❤️‍🔥 so we can get connected ill reach out to you via instagram and we can schedule a one on one so my mentors or i can provide details. around what time would work for a call/ zoom ? *
let me know a good day as well, so i wont catch you at a busy time. if anything we’ll schedule it personally if something comes up☔️ *
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