Application Form: 200-hour YTT // Mind. Body. Joy.
Thank you for your interest in joining the Mind. Body. Joy. 200-hour yoga teacher training program! We want to ensure that this training will be a good fit for all, so please complete this application form as thoughtfully as possible. We recommend copying the questions and completing them on your own time so that you can submit the form once you have prepared all of your answers. If you have any questions, please email us at We begin reviewing applications for the next enrollment in January 2021.
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Email *
Full Name *
Mailing Address *
Phone number (incl. international area code) *
Preferred pronoun (he/she/they)
Date of Birth
URL for your primary social media handle (if any)
How long have you been practicing yoga? What styles, teachers? *
What benefits have you experienced from your yoga practice? *
Do you have any experience with meditation? If yes, please describe. *
Describe your background outside of yoga that may be relevant to this program. *
E.g., educational or professional background (any diplomas, degrees, accreditations, certifications etc.)
Briefly describe your comfort level/experience with international travel. *
Describe your overall physical and emotional health. *
What do you think will be the most challenging component for attending a YTT for yourself? *
Tell us why you'd like to join our program and what you'd hope to get out of it. *
How did you hear about the Mind. Body. Joy yoga teacher training program? *
Select your preferred accommodation type *
If there's any other information you'd like to provide, please share it here.
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