Recreational, Inter-County AND Travel / Club

Thank you for your interest in the CS9 Training event at Bartell Park.

CS9 training has expanded staffing to incorporate all skill sets into the same event week.  Originally Recreation/Intercounty and Travel/Club were separated.  We have combined them and will just have separate groups with various qualified trainers with higher license and experience levels for the more skilled players.  This will provide all participants, regardless of their signed up skill level, to be able to compete to earn promotions to higher skilled groups throughout the clinic.  

All Players will be separated based on Rec / Travel and then on skill as the sessions progress.  Age is not a final determination also as to what level trainer you will be paired with.  There will always be room for graduating to higher levels.

Clinic Dates: Monday August 12th to Thursday August 15th, 2024
Time: 9 am to 1 pm
Location: Local to you, to be announced prior to each date

Costs: $140 for all days 
or $40 per day - select your days below
You must register for the complete event on the initial registration to be eligible for the discount.
Sibling Discount - save $20 per additional sibling after you sign up the 1st. (discount is not for initial sibling)
You must register all siblings for the full event on the initial registration to be eligible for the discount.

Please fill out SEPARATE FORMS for each sibling to register.
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