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Digital Transformation Coaching Application
Please complete this survey so that we can better understand your business needs.
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to save your progress.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
First Name
Your answer
Last Name
Your answer
What is the number one issue you are facing in your business right now?
Your answer
How many clients do you currently see each week?
Your answer
Please share a link to your website below
Your answer
What are you currently doing to fill your client calendar?
Your answer
Is your therapy business online, in person, or hybrid?
100% online
100% in person
What demographic or niche do you work with?
Your answer
What is the vision you have for your therapy business?
Your answer
What is your primary motivation to join this Digital Transformation Coaching Program?
Attract 5-10 new clients every month
Digitally transform my current practice to online hypnotherapy
Leave my 9-5 and finally launch my hypnotherapy dream job!
How did you discover us?
Saw you on social media
Referred by someone
Online search
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