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Uniting the global coastal subsidence community within the International Panel of Land Subsidence (IPLS)

The IPLS is a newly launced initiative that welcomes all experts from disciplines related to coastal land subsidence, elevation dynamics and relative sea-level rise.

Key knowledge gaps the IPLS aims to address: 

Sea-level rise (SLR) projections, such as those provided by the IPCC, are crucial for governments worldwide to develop effective coastal management plans. Although significant progress has been made in reducing uncertainties in global and regional SLR projections over the past few decades, considerable uncertainties still exist regarding coastal land subsidence and land elevation loss relative to the actual mean sea level in densely populated  deltas and coastal plains.

The primary objectives of the IPLS are to:

1. Foster collaboration among various research communities focused on coastal land subsidence and SLR

2. Systematically consolidate existing knowledge and identify gaps in our understanding of relative land subsidence (rLS), i.e. the loss of land elevation relative to the mean sea level

3. Produce the first assessment report that reviews the current state of research and contributions across different spatial scales

4. Develop a unified framework for combining rLS and sedimentation dynamics across various scales and disciplines

5. Effectively integrate contemporary and projected land subsidence and coastal elevation change into the IPCC's AR7 SLR report

The IPLS has ambitious goals in the coming years to unite the diverse research communities focused on coastal rLS and become a leading global resource on contemporary coastal land subsidence and  improved SLR projections for governments around the world. We are committed to raise awareness of land subsidence on the international agenda, in close collaboration with existing initiatives like UNESCO LaSII, integrate improved quantifications and projections of coastal subsidence with IPCC's SLR projections and communicate effective strategies.

Sign up for the IPLS newsletter here to stay up-to-date with this initiative.

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