Friendship Center's Care Buddy Program
Sign-up to be connected with another person who is currently or has previously provided (unpaid) care for a loved one. 

Simply provide your information below and we will share your contact information with a potential 'buddy' who has been or is going through the caregiving journey. 

Once connected, it is up to you and your care buddy to decide when and how you would like to communicate or meet for a coffee, walk, or a bonding activity of your choosing!

The Crafter's Library, 9 E Figueroa St, Santa Barbara, has generously offered their space and & supplies at a 50% discounted rate ($10) as a place for care buddies to connect and enjoy an art activity together. Use code FC50 when purchasing a day pass. 
Your name
Your phone number *
Your email address
Your zip code
Preferred initial communication (how you would like to initially communicate with your care buddy) *
Caregiving status *
Who are/ were you caring for? *
Reason for signing up *
Anything else you'd like us to know or share with your care buddy? 
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