Personal Project Feedback Form
Good morning, my name is Sideesh, and I am a myp 5 student. For my personal project, I developed a website about chess aimed at amateur chess players. The websites main goal was to convince players to start playing chess professionaly. So, in order to evalaute to check whether I did a successful job at developing the website I am requesting you to fill this form out after visiting the website.

Link to the website:
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Were the videos about the chess tactics fun to watch and easy to understand?
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Were the videos about the chess openings fun to watch and easy to understand?
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Did you find the articles about the chess players inspiring?
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Did you find the website easy to navigate through?
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Are you going to consider playing chess Professionaly after visiting the website?
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Do you have any suggestions or remarks for my product?
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N'envoyez jamais de mots de passe via Google Forms.
Ce formulaire a été créé dans Sreenidhi International School.