Cooking With Induction v Gas: Class Registration
Come learn about cooking with induction vs gas in Missoula County Extension's beautiful new demo kitchen! We'll be making potato leek soup (GF, veg), using the same recipe on both an induction and gas stove for comparison. We'll also share more about how induction works and why you might want to check it out! 

Free and open to all. Registration capped at 25 participants.

Date: Thurs, Jan 11
Time: Program from 5:30p-6:30p, with time for conversation until 7p.
Location: Second Floor, Missoula County Extension Building, 1075 South Ave W, Missoula, MT 59801. 
Questions: Email Shanti at

Register by Jan 9.
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Do you have any specific questions about induction or gas you'd like answered? (There will be time for Q & A during the session as well.)
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