Ketubah Prints Customization Form
Please fill out this form and try to gather as much information as possible. I will be happy to assist you with the Hebrew spelling and professional translation. You may print this form and hand it to your Rabbi / Cantor/ officiant for their approval if needed. Please do not hesitate to contact me for any question: 415-860-2090 or
Please fill out this form, providing as much information as you can.
Groom's English Name: First, Middle, Last *
Groom's Hebrew Name: First, Middle, Last
Groom's Father English Name: First, Middle, Last *
Groom's Father Hebrew Name: First, Middle, Last
Is father a:
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Is father living?
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Groom's Mother English Name: First, Middle, Last *
Groom's Mother Hebrew Name: First, Middle, Last
Is mother living?
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Bride's English Name: First, Middle, Last *
Bride's Hebrew Name: First, Middle, Last
Bride's Father English Name: First, Middle, Last *
Bride's Father Hebrew Name: First, Middle, Last
Is father living?
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Bride's Mother English Name: First, Middle, Last *
Bride's Mother Hebrew Name: First, Middle, Last
Is mother living?
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Who will be signing the Ketubah?
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How many witnesses will be signing?
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For Orthodox and Conservative texts ONLY.     Will your Rabbi fill in the "Qof" ״ק״ Hebrew letter in the word "Vekanina"?
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Rabbi's email address *
Our wedding day *
English Wedding Date *
City, State of ceremony: *
Additional Requests
Email *
Shipping Address *
Phone number
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