Sonic Expo Cosplay Contest Application

Calling all cosplayers, are you ready to speed into Sonic EXPO 2024 as one of our Cosplay contest contestants?

If you're itching to sign up, dash through our requirements below before completing the form provided.

What We Look For In a Cosplay Contest Contestant:

  • Individuals who can appeal to a family friendly crowd.
  • Respectful to our judges and staff
  • To be punctual and ready to do what ever is needed of me. 


Any questions? Please shoot us a message!

We're buzzing with excitement to see you spin dash into our event at the speed of sound!

Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Stage Name *
Pronouns (ie: she/her, he/him, they/them, etc.) 
Contestants Date Of  Birth *
Email Address
Phone Number *
Entry Level
Name of the character you are cosplaying as
Have you competed with this cosplay at another convention before? If yes, what convention and what level, and if you received an award, what award? (Falsifying this information will result in disqualification without notification)
Source the character is from (Comic, Game, Movie, etc...)
Is your costume Large and/or Bulky?
Description of cosplay and additional comments
Who's your favorite Sonic character?
By typing my name below, I am attesting that I understand that by entering the Sonic Expo Cosplay Contest, I give permission to Sonic Expo and its designees to photograph and/or video record my costume and performance and to use these photographs and videos as the convention sees fit. I also attest that I am eligible to compete as per the  Sonic Expo Cosplay Contest rules and that all information on this entry form is true and correct. I understand that I or my legal guardian if I am under the age of 18, must complete a Waiver or I will not be allowed to participate  I have read and agree to Sonic EXPO'S Cosplay and Costume Weapons Policies 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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