Prospective Tutor Application
Please fill this form out if you are hoping to tutor for 425 Tutoring and expect a reply within 6-8 days. If we do not receive a response from you within 24 hours after we contact you, we will assume you are no longer interested in tutoring.
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First and Last Name *
Please provide an email address that you regularly access: *
Phone Number *
Grade *
State of Residence *
Date of Birth *
Besides English, list any other language(s) you are fluent in below.
Please list any programming languages you know here:
Why do you want to volunteer your time and tutor? (2-4 sentences)
How many days a week are you willing to tutor?
What days and times are you available to tutor? (Please select at least one weekday)
Preferred Tutoring Subjects
Note: it is an expectation that all of our tutors are able to tutor in both Math and English. If a lower level of instruction is desired by the tutor, please put it in the Other section below.
Preferred Student Grades
What is the highest level of experience that you have in the above subject areas? (i.e. coursework)      (2-4 sentences)
What school do you attend? What is your cumulative GPA?
Do you have any experience in tutoring or general volunteer activities that you can share that may prepare you for this role? (2-4 sentences)
How did you find out about 425 Tutoring? If someone from the program referred you, please write down their name.
Important! - Please read the below information
Student and tutor pairings last for a minimum of 8 weeks. By signing up and taking on a group, you are agreeing that you are able to fulfil this minimum requirement. Tutors can stay on for as long as they would like past this 8 week minimum.
I agree to the above by signing here: *
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