S.O.S. Event Registration
S.O.S. (Sisterhood of Strength) is a program for women, young women, girls, mothers, and daughters of any age. Our focus is to build community within each other, heal from past traumas and experiences, and raise our young girls into confident women. 

Please register below to ensure you will be invited to all future events and so we can accommodate all needs such as dietary restrictions and childcare for young children and sons. 
Please complete a registration form for every attendee. 

Art in the Park 
Tuesday, July 30th
Thea's Park (the one with globe) 
535 Dock St, Tacoma, WA 98402

Bring your own lawn chair or blanket, we'll supply everything else! 

Childcare will be offered at MCFHC. 
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Name (First and Last) *
Phone Number *
Birth Year *
Dietary Restrictions *
Do you need childcare? *
Ages of children that need childcare
(enter N/A if do not need childcare)
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