Performance review assessment
Please take a little bit of time and think back for the last half a year. Invest this moment to yourself, celebrate the learnings and success. Recall what was easy and what kind of challenged did you notice! 
And then take a moment and assess your skills. Use for this our competency matrix and team and think - where would you like to grow more, how would the team benefit from it? But what about yourself? 

And then, take a moment and think a little bit about your future for the next 6 months. Do you already know what you like to do, what projects you feel intrieged with? Or where have you been already commited? 
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Describe your last 6 months, biggest achievements *
What are the things you are most proud of?  *
What were your biggest learnings?  *
Who were the main role modals, mentors or people around you when you learned? With whom do you enjoy working the most? *
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