Care Farming Network Directory
Care farming uses therapeutic farming to promote health, well-being and belonging, and the Care Farming Network connects established and aspiring care farms, fosters meaningful support, and builds awareness about the transformative power of care farming. 

To add your farm to our map, please complete this form. Once you submit your listing, we will be in touch.
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Email *
Contact Name *
Organization / Farm Name *
Organization / Farm Website
Organization / Farm Location (City, State) *
Organization / Farm Mission Statement for Online Directory *
Description of Programs and Organization  *
Farm Type *
What best describes your farm or organization's mission? *
Business Model
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Give us an idea of the size of your farm (for example: size of campus, acres in production, CSA size, annual revenue, or if starting up, what are your goals?)
Does your Organization / Farm include a Residential Component?
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If yes, please explain residential component.
Client Population *
Do you pay your client population a wage to work on your farm?
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If applicable, how many individuals with I/DD are paid to work?
Can we share your organizational information on CFN's online Care Farm directory? *
Facebook Link
Instagram Link
Please subscribe me to the Care Farming Network email list.
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Is there any additional information or comments you would like to share?
Thank You!
Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey and help us create an online directory of Care Farms!  If you have any questions please contact Kate at
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This form was created inside of Red Wiggler Community Farm. Report Abuse