2022 Vegetable Producer Meeting, Charlottesville Area/Greene County
Join us for an annual update for Vegetable Producers of all types!  Speakers include: Dr. Steve Rideout, Plant Diseases and Pathology; Dr. Tom Kuhar, Emerging Pest Issues and Insecticide Options for Virginia Vegetables; Dr. Emmanuel Torres-Quezada, New Tomato Production Ideas; Chris Mullins, Integrated Pest Management in High Tunnel Production.  Plus. hear from VDACS Produce Safety Inspectors, get pesticide recertification credits, and more!  
*Thanks to Drs. Tom Kuhar and Mark Reiter, the cost has decreased from the original advertisement*
Cost is $20 per participant.  Includes lunch and a copy of the 2022 Southeastern Commercial Vegetable Recommendation Guide.  
Registration deadline: February 18
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Farm Name
Address *
What do you hope to gain from attending this training?
If you are currently growing produce, what do you grow? *
What growing methods do you utilize? (Please select all that apply to you, this will help us better customize our presentation) *
What marketing outlets are you currently selling through? (ex farmers markets, CSA, farm stand, etc.)
Registration Options: *
Payment Options *
Are you interested in receiving private pesticide recertification credits? (Category 90/91) *
Dietary Restrictions:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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