Shvilim Application
Please write your responses in English.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Gender *
Are you required to serve in the IDF? *
Country of origin *
City and State *
Full address *
Street address, City, State, Country, Postal code
Email *
Phone Number *
Date of birth *
How did you hear about us? *
If you have spoken to someone in Galil Elyon/Shvilim, please state who.
What languages do you speak and at what level? *
Ex. "English - native, Hebrew - basic"
Name of high school *
Main course of study *
Israelis - מגמות
US - AP Classes
Europe - Specializations/IB
Are you involved in a youth movement? If so, elaborate on your involvement. *
Are you involved in your community? If so, elaborate on your involvement *
What hobbies/interests/talents do you have that may be relevant for the program? *
Tell us a bit about yourself and why you want to come to Shvilim.
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