Jen's MSc mini questionnaire
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Imagine you need to write a program on your own, in a language that you haven’t used before. Here are 10 questions asking you how confident you feel under certain circumstances. But first 2 questions about yourself.
How old are you? *
How do you tend to identify most? *
I would feel confident using a new (to me) programming language ...
 ... if there was no one around to tell me what to do as I go *
Not at all
Totally confident
 ... if I had never used a language like this before *
Not at all
Totally confident
... if I had only the manuals for reference *
Not at all
Totally confident
... if I had seen someone else using it before trying it myself *
Not at all
Totally confident
... if I could ask someone for help if I got stuck *
Not at all
Totally confident
... if someone else had helped me to get started *
Not at all
Totally confident
... if I had a lot of time to complete the program *
Not at all
Totally confident
... if I had the built-in help facility for assistance *
Not at all
Totally confident
... if someone showed me how to do it first *
Not at all
Totally confident
... if I had used similar language before this one *
Not at all
Totally confident
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