Apply for a Camera Confidence Growth Accelerator Hot Seat with Molly Mahoney
You have something powerful to share with this world! I'm so looking forward to supporting you in getting out there in a big way, building your audience and boosting your sales!

You may know Facebook live is an amazingly powerful tool that will put you into contact with those who need you most. However, it can be difficult to know how to truly use it powerfully.

I’m thrilled to be offering a few 15-min Growth Accelerator Hot Seats during our next Camera Confidence Coaching Call on Wednesday at 2pm PT.

If you think you have what it takes to really step it up, I’d love to help you to be known as an authority so you can bring in loads of leads and boost your sales!

I’m only setting this time aside for a few members of Camera Confidence who are really ready to invest in making a big change in their life & business.

Complete this form ASAP if you'd like to be considered for one of the Growth Accelerator Hot Seats during this weeks Camera Confidence call at 2pm PT.

In order to get a jump start and fully understand your business goals, you'll need to answer all of the questions below. I want to be ready to jump in as soon as we get on the call!

I can't wait to kick your booty as you become known as the trusted authority in your space!
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First Name *
Last Name *
Phone Number *
Facebook Business Page
Which of these describes your current stage of business? *
What are you currently offering your clients? (Please include your rates if applicable.) *
What are you currently doing to generate leads? *
Do you feel your current lead generation strategies are effective? *
Are you currently using FbLive for Leads? *
What is your revenue goal for 2020? *
What is your current monthly revenue? *
If my sales don't increase in the next 3-6 months my revenue will... *
Are you ready, willing and open to making an investment in your business? *
Which of the following areas of business would you like to improve
Which best describes your current knowledge level of Messenger Automation?  *
What do you see as the biggest challenge in growing your business right now? *
What is one thing you love about your life/business right now? *
Yahoo! Thank you for taking the time to apply for a Growth Accelerator  session.
We'll be getting back to you soon if we feel there is a way we can support you.

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