Inspire(d) Survey
17 years of Inspire(d) Magazine! Wow. Time keeps on slipping by (I swear I was JUST 26, getting married, and starting this magazine!). And while I keep getting older, the mission stays the same: Inspire our readers through positive news about the people, places, and things that make our communities great.

The stories keep coming, folks, because people. are. good. We just need to keep telling their tales!

We are looking forward to making Inspire(d) for another 17 years, and we’ve got some big ideas on the horizon. But in order to keep moving forward, we’re hoping to learn some more about you! We’re always fine-tuning our content to what our readership wants, and always helping advertisers understand our market so they can better represent their businesses within our pages.
So: Please tell us about yourselves through this survey! And please let us know if you have ideas to make this magazine even better.
PLUS! Everyone who answers the survey will be entered into a drawing to win a few fun (small) prizes! (Famous Inspire(d) pens? Local treats? You’ll have to fill out the survey to find out!)
Local supports local! Let’s keep doing this thing!

Thank you for all your support for the past 17 YEARS! You’re amazing.

Looking forward,
Aryn (+ Benji & Roxie too)
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Email *
Email Address *
ZIP Code *
Gender *
Age *
Ethnicity *
Highest level of school or degree you've received *
Job, profession, or what keeps you busy throughout the day? *
Do you read Inspire(d) (check all that may apply) *
If you read the print version, where do you pick it up? *
Is there a section of Inspire(d) you enjoy the most? (Check all that apply.) *
What do you do with your Inspire(d) magazine once you're done reading? *
If you do keep Inspire(d), for how long?
Do you notice the advertisements in Inspire(d)? *
If so, do you find the ads interesting? *
Have you purchased, visited, or contacted an advertiser in Inspire(d) Magazine because of their advertisement? *
What do you do for fun? *
What communities do / would you like to read about in future Inspire(d)s?
Anything else you'd like to see in future Inspire(d)s?
On a scale of 1-10 (10 being totally great and 1 being not good at all), how are you feeling about the state of the world right now? *
Not good at all :(
Totally great! :)
On a scale of 1-10 (10 being totally great and 1 being not good at all), how are you feeling about your community right now? *
Not good at all :(
Totally great! :)
If you have a minute, could you give us a testimonial (you could share what you love about Inspire(d), how we've impacted your community, what you've learned in Inspire(d), etc)? Thank you!
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