Video Inquiry Form
Thank you for expressing interest in producing a video with Motor Mouth Multimedia.

An African proverb says, If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. That's why our mission is to collaborate with others to tell diverse stories, provide unique perspectives and increase the visibility of important issues. Motor Mouth Multimedia may be expert storytellers, however, the collective cannot tell a compelling story without our clients, their partners and their community members cast as central characters. To help us determine the best approach to bring your idea to fruition, please take a moment and complete this short survey.


Heather Hopson
Motor Mouth Multimedia Founder
(And former television host and news reporter/producer)

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What is the purpose of the video? How will it be used post-production?
Where would the video production take place? (i.e. in the field, at an office, in a production studio) How many locations are needed to capture the footage?
How many people will be featured in the video? Will the interviewees need talking points/key messages written?
What is the estimated run time/length of the video?
What additional resources are needed to produce this video? (i.e. voiceover artist, infographic, animation)
What is the timeline for this project?
What are your inspirations for this video? Please share a YouTube link to a similar video, even if it's unrelated to this topic, that would would like the video to look like?
Is there anything else you would like to add?
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