ETHOS Application
You have been invited to apply for ETHOS, my most conscious community inside the Curvy Hustle Society Circles focused on the inner transformation and lifestyle skills of women making big leaps into becoming a better leader living a better life.  

Thank you for your interest in working together to work on regaining your divine leadership in nature, personal evolution, professional growth and contribution. Your work grew as you grew. It is now time to reflect and reframe the Legacy of you. 

The following questions are to help us both make sure this is a great fit and so that you get the most out of our call. On this call I am excited to collaborate on your personal and professional growth. These questions help us ensure a perfect fit for your clarity call, maximizing your experience. Share your authentic thoughts and enthusiasm for your vision.

I would love to leave you after the call with a complete reframe of your assets, image and your new possibilities on intentional living with prosperity as the outcome but I first need to hear your most honest answers and thoughts. 

These questions will help you get organized for the call. 

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Email *
Phone number  *
Home Address *
Company name, title/ current role.  *
Website/ Linked in Profile
Is this your business? If so, when was it started?  *
Up to what three things are you interested in doing this next year that have eluded you before? Have you been coached or trained on each goal specifically yet?  Be specific.  *
What do you see as the challenges you face thus far in achieving these goals? Feel free to write "I don't know"  *
What would you rate your general sense of feeling empowered in each area during at least 60% of each day?
0=powerless 5=in full authentic power 

(P) Physical integrity, (M) Mental Integrity, (S) Social Integrity, (E) Emotional Integrity, (SP) Spiritual Integrity 
What draws you to participate in ETHOS Coaching at this time?  *
How do you define success now and how has it changed over the past 5 year(s)?   *
What are your top 3 priorities for your growth and evolution as a leader?  *
If you identify as a woman, does it influence your top 3 priorities for your growth and evolution?   *
Ethos means the spirit and these transformational executive lifestyle and learning opportunities are designed to practice and coach the spirit of leadership and woman-ness from participants for growth and contribution across their life. How are you currently feeling about how you show up in your ethos of leadership?  Is being a woman working for or against you?  *
When you imagine achieving these 3 top goals you have, where else does that lead to for you ?  *
What do you see you will contribute as a member of this professional sorority and ecosystem?  *
How do you prefer to learn ?
Are you presently also dealing with any of the following that stress you ?
Any other thoughts or questions around this conversation  ?
Thank you so much! Please pick a convenient day and time at least 48 hours after submitting this form so that there is time to review your answers before we meet.  Please book here 
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