Restorative Justice Facilitator Training Registration
Thank you for your interest in in Yolo Conflict Resolution Center's Restorative Justice Facilitator Training! Space is limited, so please only register if you are able to commit to all 3 sessions of this 20 hour training. 

The training will be held in person on Saturday, November 2nd from 9am-5pm, Sunday, November 3rd from 9am-5pm, both with a 45 minute lunch break, and on zoom on Wednesday, November 6th from 3-7pm. 

Please complete your registration by October 18 and send your donation via paypal, using this link.  Suggested donation is $100-$500, but nobody will be turned away for lack of funds. Please reach out to  if the cost is prohibitive, or if you have any questions about the training. 
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Name *
Email address *
Phone Number *
What city do you live in?  *
What interested you in this training? 
What is your past experience or familiarity with restorative justice, if any? Have you had any RJ or other training?
How do you envision restorative justice making a difference in your community or in the broader society?  
How do you envision using the skills you learn in this training for your personal or professional life? Are you interested in volunteering as a RJ Facilitator with YCRC (not required, to attend this training) 
Please share any accessibility needs that you want the facilitators to be aware of. 
What questions do you have for us?
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