TAOO Enrollment Form
2024-2025 School Year
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Email *
What is the student's legal first name? *
What is the student's middle name? *
What is the student's legal last name? *
What is the student's date of birth? *
What is the student's birth place (city, state or country)? *
What is the student's gender? *
What is the student's race? Check all that apply. *
What is the student's ethnicity? *
What grade level will the student be in for the 2024-2025 school year? *
What school district does the student currently attend? *
What is the distance you will drive to drop off your student at The Academy of Okmulgee? 
Does your student have a 504 or an IEP? *
Has your student ever had a 504 or an IEP? *
Is English the second language spoken in the home?  *
Does your student have any known allergies? If yes, please list the allergies in the space provided. If not, please type N/A. *
Does your student have diabetes? *
Does your student have asthma? *
Please list any additional medical information we should be aware of. If none, please type N/A in the space provided.  *
Who has legal guardianship of this student? *
What is the parent/guardian's legal name?  *
What is the parent/guardian's physical address (including city, state and zip)? *
What is the parent/guardian's mailing address (including city, state and zip)? *
What is the parent/guardian's cell phone number? Please type N/A if none. *
What is the parent/guardian's home phone number? Please type N/A if none. *
What is the parent/guardian's place of work? Please type N/A if none.  *
What is the parent/guardian's work phone number? Please type N/A if none.  *
What is the parent/guardian's relationship to the student? *
Please check all that apply to parent/guardian (1): *
What is the legal name of parent/guardian (2)? *
What is the physical address (including city, state and zip) of parent/guardian (2)? *
What is the mailing address (including city, state and zip) of parent/guardian (2)? *
What is the cell phone number of parent/guardian (2)? Please type N/A if none. *
What is the home phone number of parent/guardian (2)? Please type N/A if none. *
What is the workplace of parent/guardian (2)? Please type N/A if none.   *
What is the work phone number of parent/guardian (2)? Please type N/A if none. *
What is the parent/guardian's relationship to the student? *
Please check all that apply to parent/guardian (2): *
What is the legal name of parent/guardian (3)? *
What is the physical address (including city, state and zip) of parent/guardian (3)? *
What is the mailing address (including city, state and zip) of parent/guardian (3)? *
What is the cell phone number of parent/guardian (3)? Please type N/A if none.  *
What is the home phone number of parent/guardian (3)? Please type N/A if none.  *
What is the work place of parent/guardian (3)? Please type N/A if none.   *
What is the work phone number of parent/guardian (3)? Please type N/A if none. *
What is the parent/guardian's relationship to the student? *
Please check all that apply to parent/guardian (3): *
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