Enrichment Proposal Form 2023 - Fall 2024
The Walllingford, Berlin and Cheshire Enrichment Program is looking to offer quality, diverse personal enrichment courses for our community. We are now accepting proposals from individuals who are interested in teaching adult learners. Possible topics include, but are not limited, to cake decorating, sign language, foreign language, geneology, meditation, and anything new and exciting. DEADLINE is May 3rd.

For more information, please contact Heather Fries, Enrichment Coordinator
Phone: 203-294-3900
E-mail: hfries@wallingfordschools.org

***If you are interested in teaching multple classes that are different. Please fill out this form for each class that you are interested in teaching***
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Name *
Address *
City *
Email Adress *
Phone Number (best number to reach you) *
Proposal Title *
Proposal Description *
What background/ experience do you have that would draw students to taking your class? *
Would you hold the class in-person or remotely via an online video conferencing *
Session ( What time of the year would you like to offer this program) *
Date & time classes will be held. Please follow the School Calendar. Fall Classes will start for 10 week classes only on  September 29th. All other classes may begin October 1, 2024. Yellow boxes are when school is closed. School Calendar is attached *
Select the day you prefer to teach *
Perfered 1st Date *
Perfered 2nd Date
Proposed time for class. Classes may begin at 5 pm and end at 8:30 pm.  *
Proposed time for class to end. 8:30 pm is the latest we can stay for classes at Sheehan. *
How many weeks will your class meet if longer than just a one class day. *
What is the maximum number of students for your class. Minimum to run the class is 5 students. *
Supplies or Textbooks students need to bring or fee to instructor
What is your desired Salary for this class? *
Please let us know if you have equipment needs. 
Special Concerns or Comments
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