International Public Values & Immersive Futures Network

We are entering a new digital transition. One where immersive experiences (IX) are at the forefront of. With technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), it becomes possible to experience a new kind of "realness" that can also be considered reality, even if the experience is fully or partially virtual. These immersive experiences creates many new opportunities for societal impact and value, but it also exposes us to new risks. How can we protect ourselves from threats like manipulation, virtual violence or fake news? The Dutch CIIIC initiative and CLICKNL International take the initiative to form an international network to share knowledge on how to safeguard public values within immersive experiences.

Our international network encourages and embraces an ethos of collaboration and provides a platform for individuals from different disciplines to engage in thoughtful dialogue and ultimately, most importantly, collaborative research. The network is peer-to-peer and open to everyone. It is our ambition to engage in long-term public-private partnerships (PPPs) with other countries world wide that share an ambition in making immersive experiences responsible, sustainable and safe for everyone.

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Shaping the Public Values & Immersive Futures Network
Our goal is to have an active international learning network that is selfsustaining in sharing knowledge and creating impact. SXSW is the first opportunity to find interested researchers, makers and policy practitioners that share a common interest and ambition in safeguarding public values within immersive experiences across the world. 

With your help, we're building a community that is for all of us, so we value your contribution in shaping it together. We invite you to become part of the foundation that the network can build on top of in the future. The next steps will be determined at a later time. Please don't hesitate to offer any ideas and suggestions you have.

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