Mental Math Minute #MS001
This Middle School quiz is designed to be completed in 1-2 minutes.  There are 8 short-answer questions, each patterned after questions from number sense contests in Texas.  Similar to a UIL/TMSCA/PSIA/TAPPS number sense test, scratch paper and/or calculators may NOT be used.
Brought to you by Number Dojo
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Quiz Questions
A1: 136 ÷ 8 = ___
5 points
B1: 2 + 4 + 6 + ... + 20 = ___
5 points
C1: 47 x 202 = ___
5 points
D1: The area of a square with diagonal 6 is ___
5 points
E1: The sum of the exterior angles of an 18-sided polygon is ___°
5 points
F1: 32 base 5 + 43 base 5 = ___ base 5
5 points
G1: 0.0909 = ___ (fraction)
5 points
H1: The probability of rolling a sum of 5 with two 6-sided dice is ___
5 points
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